Government tables 12 bills in the house

Thursday, 07 SEPTEMBER 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
The State government tabled 12 bills in the house on the second day of the Assembly monsoon session. The Parliamentary Affairs minister Prem Chand Agarwal tabled the ‘Uttarakhand reservation in government service for the identified Andolankari of Uttarakhand movement and their dependents bills-2023’ in the house. The bill seeks to grant 10 per cent reservation in government jobs to the identified statehood activists and their dependents. The government also tabled the ‘State universities Uttarakhand bill 2023’ for all the government universities of the state in the house. Similarly, the Uttarakhand private universities bill 2023 was also tabled by the education minister in the house. The private universities bill when passed will replace existing acts of all the private universities and will be an umbrella act which seeks to grant some control of government over the private universities. The bill provides 25 per cent reservation to the permanent residents of the state in admissions. The universities will also provide a rebate of 25 per cent in the fees to the students of Uttarakhand. The governor of Uttarakhand will be the visitor of the university.
The Soldier Welfare minister Ganesh Joshi tabled the Uttarakhand Martyr’s dependent ex- gratia grant (amendment) bill -2023 in the house. Similarly the Uttarakhand investment and infrastructure development and regulation bill 2023 was tabled by the Parliamentary Affairs minister in the house on the day. The bill seeks to provide a facilitative environment in the State of financing, design, construction, maintenance and operation of infrastructure projects. Uttarakhand goods and service tax (amendment) bill-2023, Uttarakhand road infrastructure protection (amendment) bill- 2023 and Veer Madho Singh Bhandari Uttarakhand Technical university (amendment) bill -2023 were also tabled in the assembly. Agarwal also placed the Uttarakhand appropriation acts (repeal) bill- 2023 in the house. The bill seeks to repeal 218 appropriation acts which were introduced during the time when the State was part of undivided Uttar Pradesh and have now become irrelevant. A total of 47 appropriation acts of Uttarakhand will also be repealed on passage of the bill.