
May Kedarnath give good sense to Congress, make it shun corruption and work in national interest: BJP

Monday, 06 November 2023  | PNS | DEHRADUN

The Bharatiya Janata Party has stated that it is good that senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has come to Kedarnath. However, the party hopes that good sense prevails in the Congress which makes it shun corruption and work in national interest. The BJP State media in-charge Manveer Singh Chauhan said, “The Congress members would know about their leader. We hope that good sense prevails in the party and that it resolves to shun its policy of corruption and work in the interests of the nation. We have seen Rahul Gandhi donning the Sanatani form from time to time especially during election time. The people of India will never accept his form of a Sanatani as they have also seen his anti-Sanatan Dharma actions in various States. He should pray to the Lord so that good sense prevails in the Congress and also repent for the corruption the party has indulged in,” said the BJP State media in-charge.

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