NCERT director flags off CLAP digital vehicle
Monday, 06 November 2023 | PNS | NEW TEHRI
A Continued Learning Access Project (CLAP) vehicle with various digital facilities was launched by National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) director DP Saklani at the Atal Utkrisht Vidyalaya, Pujargaon in Tehri district on Saturday. The NCERT in collaboration with State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Hewlett Packard and Society for All Round Development (SARD) has been working for setting up state of art IT infrastructure as part of which the digital vehicle initiative is aimed at providing continuous learning access in remote and rural areas through internet and non-internet enabled computer devices, loaded with requisite interactive study material online/offline, to support students of foundational stage to secondary stage grade and their teachers. Saklani highlighted the need for strengthening school infrastructure at local level for enhancing quality education in rural and remote areas through use and integration of technology and to achieve the goals of NEP-2020. He also motivated the students and teachers and advised them to work hard, have mastery in their mother tongue, acquire diverse skills and realise the NEP 2020 goals and contribute for the development of the local community and the nation through selfless service. The CLAP vehicle has about 120 laptops and educational softwares including DIKSHA, ePathshala and SWAYAM resources which will be used and showcased in schools for skill development of students and community at large through participation in local exhibition/science fair/events organised in consultation with the authorities concerned for promotion of digital literacy in the area.