MCD witnesses fourth Covid-19 case in 10 days
The Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) witnessed fourth Covid-19 positive case in the last 10 days in its premises on Monday when the entry of public was already restricted for public after a sanitation supervisor was tested positive on Sunday. To curb the Covid-19 contagion in the corporation after yet another staff membe was found positive on Monday, the municipal commissioner, Vinay Shankar Pandey extended the restriction on public entry for two more days. According to him, the premises will be thoroughly sanitised on Tuesday and the public will be allowed in MCD on Thursday but the employees working in the corporation will be allowed in the campus. He appealed to people to avoid visiting the MCD campus unnecessarily and urged them to pay property tax online. Pandey informed that those who were in the close proximity of the patient have been instructed to go under home quarantine for the next four days and if they will show any symptoms of the disease, they will be tested for Covid-19 too.
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 | PNS | Dehradun