REEL issued notice for sanitation irregularities

In view of irregularities in the sanitation facilities in the old 69 wards of the city, the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) has issued notice to Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL). For the last few months, the corporation is working efficiently to improve sanitation facilities in the city, especially with the purpose to get the position in the top 100 cleanest city in India in Swachh Survekshan 2021.
The corporation has also recently started door to door collection service in some of the new wards too. However, the corporation continues to receive complaints regarding the sanitation facilities in the old wards like roadside dumping and irregular door to door garbage picking service. The officials had also asked REEL more than two months ago to prepare a list of those who do not dispose of garbage in the door to door service in order to identify such locals to take action against them but so far, the company has reportedly failed to submit any such list. Informing this, the chief municipal health officer Dr Kailash Joshi said that the MCD has issued notice to the REEL Company yet again regarding sanitation issue in old wards.
Though the corporation deducts charges from the company’s payment on irregular sanitation facilities from time to time, the corporation will be compelled to take action against them if they would fail to take appropriate action against the notice this time, stated Joshi.
Monday, 08 February 2021 | PNS | Dehradun