Acharyakulam student admitted into Tetr College of Business

Friday, 17 MAY 2024 | PNS | HARIDWAR
In latest news from Uttarakhand, an intermediate student of Commerce stream of Haridwar-based Acharyakulam Divyanshu Yash has got admission into the Tetr College of Business with cent per cent scholarship. The mother of Divyanshu who is also the vice- president of Acharyakulam Management Committee Ritambhara Shastri said that Divyanshu has been admitted in the Tetr College of Business in Bachelor of Management and Technology. She further said that Tetr College of Business is a first of its kind college in the world and to attain degree and to learn management, a student visits seven countries-USA, Italy, Singapore, Ghana, Brail, Dubai and India.
Acharya Balkrishna said that Divyanshu is a brilliant student and wherever he goes Acharyakulam expands in his wake.