Book Shelf

Book: Fake Posh, Author: Deepti Sharma ,Publisher: Caroling Pen Publishing, Price: INR 249, Pages: 123
Fake Posh is a short-story collection consisting of four stories. These short stories including Fake Posh, Mr-Touch-Me-Not, Circus and Stand-up Comedian. These four short stories focus on different subjects and have the potential to elicit the attention of the reader.
Book: The Broken Pendant, Author: Dr. Nalli Ramya, Publisher: PR Publisher, Price: INR 299, Pages: 253
When young Mark starts reading a grubby old diary dated past 2014 found in his attic, he finds writing by a person named Daniel, an archeology student. The diary reveals a series of events and bizarre dreams that haunted Daniel. He decides to take help of his friends Joseph and Jenny when he was handed a broken pendant by a stranger and later finds his chaos was related to this object.
Book: Random Subterranean Mosaic 2012–2018-Time frozen in myriad thoughts
Author: Sabarna Roy, Publisher: Lead start Publishing, Price: INR 352,Pages: 270
This book is a kaleidoscope of random, yet mysteriously structured to a pattern, fiction, semi-autobiographical, and autobiographical pieces, covering poems, short-shorts, opinions, observations, and conversations. Roy says: “All my life I have struggled to achieve an optimal lucidity in language and expression that is required to demystify the hidden self and selves and agendas. I hope I have achieved this in a large measure in this fifth book of mine.”
Monday, April 05, 2021 | PNS