Book Shelf

Intriguing Reads To Start Off The New Year Right
As the high tide of the new year spirit recedes into the impending compulsion of finding comfort within our homes yet again, utilize the time, rediscover the reader within, and find respite in some wonderful books this winter as they come to adorn your bookshelf. Here’s a list of intriguing reads to delve into the world of thrillers and sci-fi mysteries, soothe in the energy of positive thoughts and poetries, indulge in the heartwarming characters of classic fiction. So, snuggle up with a steaming mug of coffee and set off on a reading spree this new year 2022!
A Quote A Day: Inspiration 2022 By Ravi Valluri
A collection of wonderful quotes to emerge out of negativity and focus on the sunny side of life, the book ‘A Quote A Day: Inspiration 2022’ symbolizes positivity through the rising sun on the cover of the book. Our lives are full of synodic curves, high peaks, and some really low valleys, highlighting this fact and drawing inspiration from the thought that nature has taught us that life is not at all hunky-dory, the book begins with a serenity prayer to instil the spirit of surrender in us. The book aims at emanating a positive aura and helping the readers realize that there is a supreme power that controls all of us.
Silent Murder By Nupur Luthra
A suspense thriller, the book ‘Silent Murder’ is a debut murder mystery by the author Nupur Luthra. In the quiet coastal town of New York dwells a secret. Nick has a perfect life working in the White House, adoring his wife Bridget, and enjoying a peaceful daily routine. However, a twist in the tale brings him face-to-face with a discovery that his grandfather is not who he thinks he is, and things whirl out of the ordinary for him. A secret about a murderer leaves Nick contemplating over some startling questions as he is determined to find answers to the looming questions. Confused and angry, as he is intrigued by his grandfather who seems to be hiding the truth, and sets out to face the mysteries, someone from his past is back in his life. Will Nick ever find out the truth or will it remain a secret forever? Find out in this murder mystery.
Reflection: A Collection of Short Stories By Adam Ostaszewski
Stories that take you on a mysterious journey to Mars and a planet inhabited by descendants of humans and aliens. A book describing Europe during an epidemic, with an all-powerful European Security Service keeping the peace. Tales of an investigation into a suspicious death on an orbital platform, a daring action by Polish forces in Iraq and the Last Hero of the Kingdom. The “Reflection” and “Ares Mission” stories were recognized at the 1st and 2nd Clarke-Bradbury International Science Fiction Competition and published in English as part of collections of prize-winning works.
Mere Mahak Rahe Alfaaz By Neelam Saxena Chandra
Words and fragrance? Oh yes! Poetry is like those blooms that spread fragrance in the entire garden of life. And who doesn’t love fragrance? Just like the moon, with its splendid beauty, spreads gaiety on the sky, life is incomplete without fragrance. “Mere Mehak Rahe Alfaaz” is a collection of small poems of 4 liners from the pen of Neelam Saxena Chandra – poems that touch your heart! “Mere Mehak Rahe Alfaaz” is an effort in the direction of enthralling the readers with meaningful short poems.
Aanandi By Jyoti Jha
What it is like to be born as a girl child in the 50s and 60s of rural India, struggling through the backwardness of family mentality, fighting poverty, and standing against the evils of the society; find out in this classic fiction ‘Aanandi’. A heartwarming story of an extraordinary girl who thought and lived ahead of her time knew the importance of education and valued being independent and self-reliant. An experience to connect today’s young generation with the reality of their desired society and several aspects like rural environment, generations finding their existence in cities, people’s mentality, place of women in society, and changes in social conditions over last several decades, the story of ‘Aanandi’ is an illustrative symbol of women empowerment and it is inspiring for women of any section of society. The book journeys you through the life of the protagonist and lets you experience various emotions and sentiments.