
Builder’s suicide unfortunate, rule of law to prevail: BJP

Sunday, 26 MAY 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN

The Bharatiya Janata Party has stated that builder Satendra Singh Sahni’s suicide is unfortunate. Assuring that strict action will be taken in the case, the BJP State media in-charge Manveer Singh Chauhan said that the rule of law prevails in the State, adding that under the zero tolerance policy of the government under chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami there is no scope for anyone to violate the law.

Stressing that the State government has implemented a policy of zero tolerance for crime, he said that political leaders should wait for the legal process and avoid making political statements. Chauhan expressed satisfaction at the action taken by the authorities in this case so far, adding that all are standing with the bereaved family. “The case is being investigated in detail. The prima facie accused have faced prompt action. We request all to cooperate in the investigation process and give adequate time to the agencies. The rule of law prevails in the State. The Dhami government has taken stern action in cases of illegal mining and land deals. The land and mining mafia has been effectively brought under control. A strong law has also been enacted to check frauds in land deals. The State government follows a policy of zero tolerance for crime. Hence, in this case too, the guilty will face strict punishment as per the legal process. It is public knowledge that even influential persons will face justice if proven guilty. The Congress and other opposition parties should comprehend this case with seriousness and sensitivity while desisting from making political statements,” Chauhan added.

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