CBSE Class XII result- 89.64 % students declared passed in Dehradun region

Saturday, 31 July 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
All the students of KV, Navodaya Vidhyalayas and Tibetan schools clear the examination
Held under the unprecedented circumstances perpetuated by the pandemic of Covid-19 when the board examinations were not held, the class XII result of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declared on Friday saw a big improvement in the pass percentage of the students of Dehradun region. At 89.64 per cent the result this year was better than last year when 83.22 per cent of students passed.
As per the information available Shakshi Gupta of Rishikesh top scored in Dehradun region with 99.60 per cent marks.
The regional officer of CBSE Dehradun, Ranber Singh said that a total of 71063 students were registered this year in the region out of which 67421 were regular and 3642 were private students. The CBSE Dehradun had a total of 822 schools under its jurisdiction out of which 486 were in Uttarakhand while 336 were in Uttar Pradesh. Interestingly all the students of Kendriya Vidyalayas (KV), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, and Central Tibetan School Association were declared passed this year while the pass percentage in Government schools and Independent schools stood at 99.29 and 98.49 respectively.
The CBSE had, earlier this year, scheduled the board examination from May 4 this year and had made necessary preparations for the examination. However due to sharp increase in the contagion of Covid-19 and for safety of the students the examinations were cancelled. The CBSE based on the opinion of experts formulated a policy to award marks for the examination. Under this policy 40 per cent contribution of marks was from unit test/mid term/ pre board examination of Class XII, 30 per cent contribution on the basis of theory papers of Class XI and 30 per cent on the basis of average theory component of best three performing subjects in class X.