CBSE to declare Class X results by next Monday

Monday, 12 July 2021 | PNS | New Delhi
The Ministry of Education (MoE) has given the go ahead to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to declare the results of the CBSE Class 10 Board Exams in a week’s time.
Sources in the MoE said that the Class 10th Board results based on the new internal assessment pattern will be declared by next Monday. The next stage will see the announcement of the Class 12th Board results, which will also be based on internal assessment by schools. The result could be declared by the end of the month.
Along with the CBSE, the other national-level Board, ICSE, too has conveyed to the MoE that they are ready with the assessment results and can declare the Class 10 results within 10 days followed by Class 12th by month-end.
When contacted, the CBSE Examination Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj said the results will be declared as per the schedule shared with the Government and the Supreme Court.
The CBSE, ICSE and several other State Education Boards had cancelled the CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board Exam 2021 due to the significant rise in the corona cases across the country in mid-April.