Colleges, Varsities to function like pre Covid times

All classes to be in offline mode from March 1
All the colleges and universities of the state would completely open and start physical classes for all semesters from March 1. In a letter directed to all Vice Chancellors (VC) of both government and private universities, the district magistrates (DM) and the Director college education, the Principal Secretary, higher education, Anand Bardhan said that the all the centres of higher education should function like before and all classes should start in physical mode from March 1.
The government had earlier opened the colleges and universities from December 15 but had allowed online classes for students of mid semesters. Only the students of first and fourth semesters and for those practical classes were compulsory were allowed to visit the colleges and universities. Now all the classes of all semesters would start in physical mode like pre covid-19 times from March 1. The colleges and universities of the state were closed in the last week of March last year after the pandemic of Covid-19 started.
Thursday, 25 February 2021 | PNS | Dehradun