Commandant’s parade held at IMA

Friday, 09 June 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
The commandant’s parade marked the culmination of pre-commission training of 332 Indian and 42 foreign gentlemen cadets at the Indian Military Academy (IMA) on Thursday. The IMA commandant lieutenant general Vijay Kumar Mishra said, “Always remember that leadership is not about power or authority- it is about service and responsibility. Your actions and decisions will directly impact the lives of those under your command. Show empathy, inspire trust and foster a sense of camaraderie among your subordinates. Your moral courage will be put to test more often than you think. Temptation and misleading opportunities will be found galore along the path as you progress in life, but a true leader with strong character will always show fortitude and persevere on the right path.”
The Commandant said that IMA has made the GCs proficient in the use of ‘Shashtra’ (weapon) and ‘Shaastra (knowledge). He also cautioned the young officers not to become complacent while posted in the non-operational areas. “Remember, hostilities may begin at short notice that will leave you no time to train, prepare or make your equipment battle worthy. Hence, every single day, not only you have to ensure your, but also battle readiness of troops, weapons and equipment under your charge,’’ he said.