Cooperative Bank raises credit limit of govt employees to Rs 35 lakh

Wednesday, 26 April 2023 | PNS I DEHRADUN
The employees of the central government, state government and corporations can now take a loan of Rs 35 lakh under the cash credit (CC) employee loan scheme of the State cooperative bank. On the directive of the Cooperative minister, Dhan Singh Rawat, the registrar cooperatives Aloke Kumar Pandey issued the orders for increasing the CC limit of the employees. He said that such employees and officers would be eligible for the scheme whose salary is getting deposited in the account of the bank every month and who have satisfactorily completed service of two years.
He added that the lower of Rs 35 lakhs or salary of 35 months (basic salary plus Dearness Allowance) would be sanctioned as loan to the employees under the scheme.
Pandey said that the cooperative bank is giving loans to the employees at 9.75 per cent interest rate which is lowest among all the banks.