Coordinated effort needed for welfare of women & children: Semwal

Sunday, 04 December 2022 | PNS | DEHRADUN
The secretary for women empowerment and child development, HC Semwal has said that in order to strengthen the foundation of the development in the State all the departments should work in a coordinated manner to provide cent per cent benefit of government schemes to the women and children beneficiaries.
He was presiding over an inter-departmental coordination meeting here on Saturday. In the meeting, 25 State level officers of different departments participated. In the meeting elaborate information was provided about the Mission Vatsallya, Mission Saksham Anganwadi 2.0 and Mission Shakti and the issues which need inter-departmental coordination were identified. Semwal said that the all round development of women and children is needed for achieving the targets of sustainable development.
In the meeting all the departments were asked to compulsorily attend the meeting which would be held on December 8 to discuss the draft of the Uttarakhand women policy. For the safety of the working women a presentation about the Gaura Shakti app was given in the meeting and the departments were asked to register all their women employees in the app and set up internal complaint committees in their departments.