
CSIR-IIP celebrates National Science Day


To mark the National Science Day, the AcSIR Science Club of CSIR-IIP organised a commemorative event ‘AAGAZ 3.0. This year, the theme was ‘Empowering Indian Youth for Global Leadership in Science & Innovation for Viksit Bharat.’ Addressing the gathering, the director, CSIR-IIP Harender Singh Bisht said that this year’s theme was focused on encouraging young minds, recognising ground-breaking contributions and celebrating India’s scientific achievements towards the goal of Viksit Bharat. He stressed on thinking beyond laboratory-bound research and delivering a sustainable solution for the country as well as the planet.

The chief general manager (R&D), BPCL,

Bharat Newalkar mentioned societal challenges like health issues, climate change and clean and efficient energy among others while stressing on women being given more opportunities to participate in research and innovations.  

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