District administration to set up SHG operated bakery by December

The Dehradun district administration will set up a Self Help Group (SHG) operated bakery and several bakery outlet stores in various locations by the end of this year. As informed by the district officials, the bakery will be located in Raipur block where all the items will be prepared and sent to the outlet stores of the district.
Like the LED light training growth centre in Thano where more than 100 women were trained in making light strings and are now working there professionally, the women of SHGs will also be trained in preparing various baked items to run the place professionally. The officials informed that the administration will also open various outlets in the district first of which would be set up in Vikas Bhawan. Moreover, the administration is also considering to invite tenders from various village organisations and SHGs after observing the progress of the bakery business for some time in the district. As per the officials, it will give an equal opportunity to these organisations to manage and run the bakery as well as the outlets.
The project director of District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Vikram Singh informed that the administration has various plans to provide employment opportunities to women under National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM). According to him, the administration will execute these plans in future providing employment while promoting vocal for local campaign among locals. Moreover, the officials stated that the equipment required for the bakery have been ordered and will be available soon. The officials stated that the bakery will start this month or by the end of December.
Stating that the LED light strings training has been quite successful so far, officials said that they are optimistic about the success of the bakery plan too.