DM initiates micro plan to educate and rehabilitate child beggars

Tuesday, 22 OCTOBER 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
In a significant move to curb child beggary in Dehradun, the district magistrate Savin Bansal has directed the officials to form a micro plan aimed at rehabilitating children found engaged in begging and ensuring their integration into the educational system. During a meeting held on Monday, the DM met with representatives from various departments and NGOs to discuss strategies and gather suggestions for the initiative. He made it clear that no child should be seen begging on the streets of Dehradun. He told the officials to implement a robust plan to encourage children to pursue their interests in sports and education. The primary goal is to rescue children found begging and place them in modern rehabilitation centres that offer facilities for both education and recreational activities, he said. He informed that the rehabilitation centres will be equipped with special activity teachers and helpers experienced in teaching and counselling children from such backgrounds. This measure aims to provide a supportive environment that fosters learning and personal growth, he added. Bansal informed that instructions have been issued to the chief education officer and the district probation officer to collaborate on the plan’s execution. He has also sought input from organisations that work on eradicating child labour and begging. Besides this, the DM has directed the Social Welfare Department to prepare a separate action plan for adult beggars to tackle the issue to ensure a comprehensive approach to address begging in the district.