Dr Nalli Ramya releases cover of her upcoming thriller

In these times when negativity is common, there is a dire need for positivity and a good book can provide such a whiff of fresh air. Books have always been a source of inspiration and a mode to escape into the imaginative world. Thrillers have the potential to take the reader into a different world where the mystery and the prevailing suspense are more than enough to cause an adrenaline rush. And one such high-octane thriller, The Broken Pendant by Dr Nalli Ramya is going to hit the market whose cover has been released by her recently.
An MS by qualification; Dr Nalli Ramya who recently signed a deal with Literia Insight for her upcoming thriller is going to enthrall the readers with a fresh perspective on the historical mystery wrapped in suspense. The Broken Pendant is going to be published by PR Productions & Publishers.
Talking at the eve of the release of the cover, Dr Ramya shared her insights on thriller genre and what readers can expect from her upcoming book. In her words, “The thriller genre always has the capacity to keep us hooked up as it always forms a world of alternate reality. The world where everything is not as it seems which propels us to think in a pole opposite direction. The Broken Pendant is my maiden attempt in this direction and I am more than sure that the readers will find it an interesting read where the excitement quotient will always be on a high note. The readers will certainly feel baffled by the timely twists and turns and would certainly feel in love with this suspense thriller.”
Friday, 09 October 2020 | PNS