
Education department issues dengue prevention guidelines to private schools 

Wednesday, 03 JULY 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN

The Education department issued guidelines to all private schools and Anganwadi centres in order to control the spread of dengue in Dehradun during the monsoon season. Providing the information, the Chief Education Officer (CEO) Pradeep Rawat emphasised that mosquitoes causing diseases like dengue and chikungunya are more active between July and November each year. It has been noted over the past years that the risk of dengue is higher among students in schools, Anganwadi centres and Madarsas. Considering this, the Education department has recently issued guidelines and instructed these educational institutions to comply with preventive guidelines to check the spread of dengue, which could potentially impact the students studying there, he added.

Rawat further emphasised the importance of preventive measures to check the spread of dengue within school premises. He added that the guidelines issued to the school include ensuring there is no water stagnation or waterlogging and making it mandatory for both students and staff to wear full sleeves clothes and uniforms while on school grounds. Failure to comply with the dress code will result in a denial of entry. Additionally, students from classes IX to XII, as well as National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets are expected to organise awareness programmes on dengue prevention at their level, he added.

The CEO informed  that the department has directed the principals of every school to adhere to the guidelines and send daily reports to the block education officer. In order to ensure compliance with the guidelines, officials from the Education department will conduct surprise inspections at the educational institutions on a regular basis, he added.

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