Experts stress on need to follow rules to save lives

Experts and prominent citizens stressed on the need for citizens behaving in a responsible manner, especially when it comes to observing traffic rules. These views were expressed at a gathering held at Sanjay Orthopaedic, Spine and Maternity Centre to pay homage to those who had recently lost their lives in road accidents in Dehradun and elsewhere in the State. The event was held to remember all those who have died or seriously injured in road accidents and to provide a platform for road traffic victims and their families.
Speaking as the chief guest, former High Court judge Rajesh Tandon advised everyone to follow traffic rules as adhering to the law can help prevent accidents. He also suggested that meditation could be an effective measure to reduce accidents.
The Dehradun superintendent of police (City) Pramod Kumar emphasised that preventing road accidents is not just the police’s responsibility, but a shared duty among all. He urged everyone to stay away from alcohol and follow the traffic rules. He urged the youth to use their energy constructively and focus on their future. Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Praveen Mittal stated that since Dehradun has many educational institutions and a large youth population, it is crucial that young people do not drive under the influence of alcohol. Such habits should be prevented from a young age. Gynaecologist Dr Sujata Sanjay pointed out that it is very sad for parents to see such accidents, and while we witness them regularly, we do not learn from them, which is unfortunate.
Senior orthopaedic surgeon Dr BKS Sanjay shared that approximately five lakh accidents occur every year in the country, resulting in around 1.5 lakh deaths and an equal number of people becoming permanently or temporarily disabled despite receiving proper medical treatment. These victims continue to suffer the consequences of road accidents throughout their lives. He identified the main causes of accidents as overloading, over speeding and overtaking. Additionally, lack of sleep, the influence of alcohol, fatigue and the use of mobile phones while driving worsen the situation.
Orthopaedic surgeon Dr SN Singh noted that no matter how much the vehicles improve, unless we improve ourselves, we cannot reduce such accidents. He stressed that everyone should respect the police, parents, and society.
Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Gaurav Sanjay concluded that accidents happen in an instant, and therefore, all must follow the established rules to prevent such fatal accidents.