
Ghurdauri institute registrar suspended for alleged irregularities

Thursday, 23 September 2021 | PNS | Pauri

The registrar of Govind Ballabh Pant institute of Engineering and Technology at Ghurdauri in Pauri district, Sandeep Kumar has been suspended by the institute’s board of governers. The board’s vice chairperson and additional chief secretary Radha Raturi stated in the letter that Sandeep Kumar is being suspended with immediate effect since disciplinary action is being contemplated against him due to allegations of irregularities. Kumar is accused of tampering with records pertaining to his appointment in the institute, misleading the board of governers during his selection to the post of registrar in the institute, financial irregularities and not handing over files and records of the institute which were in his custody apart from alleged ìrregularities in the procurement of goods, work and services in the institute. It is also mentioned in the letter that the board reserves the right to add any further allegation that is appropriate in the light of information obtained during inquiry. During the period of suspension, Kumar will not do any official work. The newly appointed registrar professor Y Singh confirmed the suspension of Sandeep Kumar. Pauri district magistrate Vijay Kumar Jogdande is the administrator of the institute.

The president of joint employees association Bharat Singh Negi said that the association and the local people had undertaken an agitation against the irregularities allegedly orchestrated by Sandeep Kumar and had also met the chief minister seeking an inquiry. Kumar was appointed in the institute to the post of training and placement officer in 2006. He was appointed as in-charge registrar in 2016 and again in 2017 before being appointed the full-time registrar of the institute in 2019.

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