
GPS devices installed on garbage collection vehicles in Nainital

Sunday, 12 March 2023 | PNS | NAINITAL 

Development expected to improve sanitation level, keep tabs on sanitation staff

The Nainital municipality has installed global positioning system (GPS) devices on 19 of its vehicles used for collection of garbage in the city. This step is expected to check on the misuse of these vehicles and ensure that the municipal employees are discharging their responsibilities. The installation of GPS devices on the vehicles will enable the municipality officials to keep tabs on the sanitation and the movement of the vehicles in the city.

A total of 19 vehicles have been deployed by the Nainital municipality for collecting garbage from homes and establishments along with garbage points in the city. These vehicles are also used to dump the garbage in the trenching ground at Haldwani. The vehicles also collect garbage from homes and establishments from Nainital to the Haldwani Road. According to sources, it has been noted at times that the municipality workers take the garbage collection vehicles but reportedly use them for other purposes which causes loss to the municipality and also affects the city’s sanitation level negatively. The municipality has installed the GPS devices on the vehicles to tackle such issues.

The Nainital municipality executive officer Alok Uniyal said that with this development, the municipality officials will be able to use their mobile phones to track the current location of the vehicle and all the activity during the whole day. This will enable the officials to ascertain which vehicle was used to pick garbage from which location. In case any vehicle is found to be going out of its designated route, the sanitation inspector will check with the vehicle operator on phone to ascertain the status. The officials expect that installation of the GPS devices will help improve the sanitation condition of the city.

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