Heat to rise in next 72 hours, widespread rain on April 21-22 to bring relief

Tuesday, 19 April | PNS | Dehradun
The State meteorological centre has forecast the likelihood of the maximum temperatures rising by a few degrees in the coming days. However, rain is forecast in various parts of the state after a couple of days, which is expected to bring the temperatures down to normal. The director of the State meteorological centre, Bikram Singh said on Monday that during the past two-three days, the maximum temperatures in various parts of the State have been three to four degrees Celsius above normal. In the next 48 to 72 hours, the maximum temperatures are set to rise further by two to three degrees Celsius. Considering this, the maximum temperatures in various parts of the state will register a rise of four to six degrees above normal during this period. In the next two to three days, the maximum temperatures in the plains are forecast to rise upto 38 to 40 degrees Celsius while in the mountainous regions located at altitudes of 2,000 metres and nearby the maximum temperatures are forecast to rise upto 28 to 30 degrees Celsius. Singh said that people should take precautions against the heat in such conditions which are also favourable for forest fires, considering which the monitoring and other measures aimed at checking forest fires also need to be stepped up.On April 19 parts of Chamoli, Uttarkashi and Pithoragarh districts may experience some rain while on the next day isolated places in the mountains may experience rain. However, this activity will not be enough to bring down the temperature considerably. On April 21 and 22, light to medium rain is forecast in various parts of the state. While hail is also forecast in the mountainous regions during this period, plains may experience bursts of wind upto 60 kilometres per hour which could lead to some damage like trees being uprooted. Singh said that the ripe or harvested crops should be secured from the wind to prevent damage while other necessary measures should also be taken by people against the bursts of wind. The rainfall activity forecast on April 21 and 22 will result in bringing down the maximum temperatures in the state back to normal levels, he added.