HNB Garhwal University hosts trout fish farming training

The department of Zoology, HNB Garhwal University, Swami Ramtirth campus, in association of the district department of Fisheries organised a field training programme focused on Cold Water Trout Fish Farming. Over 35 persons, including PG students, research scholars and faculty members of the university attended the programme. The chief development officer, Tehri Abhishek Tripathi said that such programmes would motivate students and unemployed youth for entrepreneurship skill development.
While one of the fish farmers present demonstrated the rainbow trout fish farming practice and shared his experiences another showcased the technique of intensive fish culture in re-circulating aquaculture system (RAS) available on his fish farm. The head, department of Zoology, N K Agarwal explained how trout fish seeds are produced, reared and developed in various hatching.
Prof D K Sharma encouraged the participants to consider fish farming as a potential career option while enhancing their entrepreneurial skills. Besides, fishery scientist from the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Upender Kumar explained the benefits of RAS system, detailing how fish are cultured within it.