Improper parenting leads children to run away from home: experts

Cases of children running away from their homes after being scolded by their parents have been observed in various districts in the past few months. Recently it has been reported that two girls from Dehradun ran away from their homes during school hours after being reprimanded by their parents. Experts state that inadequate parenting practices and the influence of social media indirectly contribute to encouraging young children to engage in such actions. To address this issue, the experts emphasise the importance of establishing an emotional bond between parents and their children.
Considering such cases of children running away from their homes, member of the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) Vinod Kaparwan said, “The commission has come across numerous cases in the State wherein teenagers ran away from their residences after being scolded by their parents. In many instances, children do this due to factors such as cybercrime and alcohol consumption.”
He further said that these instances serve as an example of inadequate parenting skills, the influential impact of social media and excessive dependence on the internet. In order to mitigate these issues, it is imperative for parents to establish a dedicated connection with their children. Moreover, educational institutions should proactively arrange counselling sessions for children, to raise their awareness regarding moral conduct, he added.
Talking to The Pioneer clinical psychologist Mukul Sharma said that with time, such cases of children running from their homes have become prevalent in the State. Improper parenting is one of the main reasons behind such actions committed by children. Cinema and social media are other common reasons for it. Lack of communication and emotional support from the parents may cause depression in children which may also lead to actions, he added.
“To prevent such cases parents must understand their responsibility and make sure to deal with their children with love as much as possible. Pressure on children from parents will push the children to commit such actions. Schools should organise counselling sessions on such aspects for children,” he said.