
‘Inter-sectoral cooperation vital to tackle ill effects of developmental activities’

Thursday, 30 march 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN 

Cooperation among agriculture, forestry, horticulture, agroforestry and nature conservation sectors, development of policies and strategies that ensure participation of different stakeholders in an inclusive and transparent manner, and use of sustainable and climate-smart forestry and agriculture practices for building the resilient landscapes can tackle the harmful effects of developmental activities on the environment and landscape. The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) chief executive officer Subhash Chandra said this as the chief guest at the inauguration of the two-day international symposium on international cooperation for resilient landscapes hosted jointly by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) and International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO).

Chandra also spoke about the objectives of Lifestyle For Environment (LiFE) mission launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ongoing efforts of the ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change under its various schemes including CAMPA, the National Afforestation Programme, Green India mission, and the Nagar Van scheme among others.

The ICFRE director general Arun Singh Rawat spoke about the important initiatives of the ICFRE like development of suitable restoration models with package of practices for restoration of coalmine overburdens, limestone mines, sodic soils, degraded hills, waterlogged area and desert dunes stabilisation in different parts of India, preparation of DPR for rejuvenation of 13 major rivers through forestry interventions and other tasks.

Representing IUFRO, the programme leader of international science issues with the US Forest Service John A Parrotta talked about the IUFRO, its objectives and programmes for long-term sustenance and human wellbeing. Referring to the role of the forests and trees outside forests in the socio-economic and ecological context, he advocated inter sectoral cooperation and collaboration across the globe to collectively work on building resilient landscapes.

It is pertinent to mention here that 225 participants comprising experts and scientists from the fields of forestry, agriculture, nature conservation, water resources management from  India, USA, UK, Austria, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Nepal, China, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Malawi, China, and Sri Lanka are participating in the symposium.

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