Inter-State public transport allowed with immediate effect

Tuesday, 29 September 2020 | PNS | Dehradun
Government issues SOP for inter-state & inter-district public transport
The State government has allowed public transport on inter-state routes with immediate effect. The standard operating procedure (SOP) for operation of public transport on inter-state routes was issued by the state administration on Monday.
According to the SOP issued by the government, the Uttarakhand Transport Corporation will establish coordination with its counterpart corporation in other states and start its operations on the inter-state routes. On these routes, depending on mutual agreement reached with the respective states, a maximum of 100 round trips per day will be allowed in the first stage of this relaxation being provided by the government.
Further, passengers in buses, taxis and three-wheelers on inter-state and inter-district routes will be allowed as per the fixed seating capacity in the vehicles. Standing passengers will not be allowed in the buses. The owners of the vehicles, drivers and conducters will charge fares from the passengers according to the rates fixed by the state transport authority. Under no circumstances will the passengers be charged fare exceeding the rates fixed by the authority. In addition to this, all the vehicle owners/drivers and passengers will ensure observance of the guidelines issued for inter-state and inter-district travel by the Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Authority. The vehicle will be sanitised before the start of every journey and after the end of every journey. The entrance, handle, railing, steering, gear lever and seats in the vehicles will be sanitised properly. Further, the driver, conductor and all passengers in the vehicles will be required to wear face masks mandatorily. Similarly, the social distancing guidelines will also have to be followed by all. It will also be mandatory for the driver, conductor and all passengers to download and use the Aarogya Setu application on their mobile phones. The district magistrate concerned will facilitate thermal screening of passengers at the depot or starting point of the journey for inter-state and inter-district travel. Similarly, the district magistrate concerned will also be responsible for facilitate thermal screening of those coming in an inter-state bus to any bus station. In case any passenger displays symptoms of Covid-19, the driver of the vehicle will inform the nearest police station or health centre about the same. While spitting in the vehicle will be a punishable offence, the consumption of Pan, gutkha, tobacco and liquor will be prohibited while travelling. During the journey, the vehicle will be stopped only at the fixed stoppage points. In case of the inter-state travel, the driver, conductor and passengers coming from other states to Uttarakhand are expected to register themselves online on the Dehradun smart city portal. In case any traveler is unable to register before entering the state, it will be mandatory to register such passengers online at the point of their arrival. The district magistrate of the district concerned will arrange for personnel required to facilitate such registration. In addition to this SOP, the guidelines issued by the Central and State governments from time to time will also have to be observed strictly for protection from Covid-19