IRF urges holidaymakers to drive safely

Saturday, 30 December 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
Road safety experts have urged motorists to usher in the New Year with happiness and safety while cautioning that it’s also one of the deadliest weeks on roads world over including India.
“Most of the holiday makers hit the road to various destinations for year end celebrations. But travelling during holiday periods can be more risky because of increased traffic volumes, winter fog, congestion, tiredness, people driving in unfamiliar environments and a higher number of people who are driving under the influence of alcohol,” said International Road Federation (IRF) president emeritus KK Kapila.
“It is very important that citizens welcome the New Year with happiness and safety. Thus, while celebrating, they should understand their responsibility as well. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, every fatal crash or serious injury has a long-lasting effect on the family and friends left behind,” he said. “New year holiday makers should plan their journey if they are travelling a long way, and prepare to have regular rest stops to avoid fatigue. They should stick to the speed limit and never overtake in an unsafe manner. If it’s wet, drive with extra caution and if it’s flooded, forget it. Please drive safely and ensure your holiday memories are happy ones, as we all want a great, safe start to 2024,” Kapila added.
The IRF stated that the other suggestions for safe driving during holidays include ensuring the vehicle is properly maintained with car and tyres inspected before one takes a long drive. During driving one should pull off the road to make calls, or leave the calling to one of co- passengers.
“The statistics support it — one is much more likely to survive a crash or come out with less injury by wearing your seatbelt. Always keep a safe following distance between yourself and the vehicle in front. Finally, one should relax. Driving during the holiday season can be stressful. Frustration can lead to poor decisions and risky behaviour behind the wheel. However, with the right attitude and some pre-planning it can also be more enjoyable,” Kapila added