JBIT undertakes faculty development programme

Two day faculty development programme entitled – Research Methodology and Research Trade -concluded at JBIT today. Chief guest Dr Narendra S Chaudhary Vice chancellor Uttarakhand Technical University said such programme are of great benefit for the institutions as it enriches the knowledge of the faculty, which ultimately helps the students.
Prof Ramakant informed the participants about PhD course. He apprised about the challenges faced by an individual when one undertakes the PhD and also pointed out as to how to address these challenges. JBIT Group Director Amit Kumar Bansal , JBIT’s vice chairman Sandeep Singhal, NIT Surat’s former director Dr Prakash D Poray were prominent present at the conclusion ceremony. A total of 80 teachers of JBIT took part in the training programme.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020 | PNS | Dehradun