Law students accuse university admin of harassment

Friday, 06 August 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
Law students of a private university at Bidholi in Dehradun have accused the university administration of allegedly harassing them. According to the students, the university updated the student portal on its official website in July this year in which they reflected the fee of the July-December semester considerably higher than the amount mentioned during the admission of the students in the year 2017.
Students said they have contacted various relevant authorities of the university like vice chancellor, dean, registrar and student facilitation centre among others but rather than acknowledging the issue, students were asked to deposit the fees soon. Some students also pointed out that the university failed to readjust or refund the money taken for an industrial tour which could not happen due to Covid-19.
According to them, the university is also violating the guidelines of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) by making students pay full fees as universities cannot force students to pay the full fees during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students stated they have also written about their issues to the State Government, University Grants Commission (UGC) as well as AICTE and are awaiting the response.
“We are feeling helpless against such harassment by the university during the pandemic. We appeal to the authorities to listen to our pleas and resolve the issues soon,” stated a law student of the university.