Mandi Samiti to propose setting up mini wholesale markets

The Dehradun Mandi Samiti will present its proposal to open mini wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables in the city in the upcoming board meeting of Uttarakhand Agricultural Produce Marketing Board (UKAPMB) in Rudrapur.
Informing this, President of Dehradun Mandi Samiti Rajesh Sharma said that the committee decided to set up small vegetable and fruit markets in various areas of the city months ago when the Niranjanpur Mandi was closed for several days due to Covid-19 contagion. He said that since the supply of vegetables and fruits were restricted in the Mandi at that time, local vendors had to buy supplies from the Mandis in Rishikesh and Haridwar that cost them extra which in turn hiked the prices of vegetables and fruits in the city. To avoid such a situation in future, the Mandi Samiti is planning to set various mini wholesale markets of fruits and vegetables across the city for which a proposal will be presented in the upcoming board meeting of UKAPMB, said Sharma. He said that the Samiti also expects that their proposal of commencing the floral business in Niranjanpur Mandi gets approval in the board meeting which he said would be the first of its kind in the state to provide a platform to those interested in flowers business.
Monday, 28 December 2020 | PNS | Dehradun