Mandi Samiti to set up wholesale vegetables & fruits markets in Doon

Considering that most of the local vendors depend on Niranjanpur Mandi for the supply of vegetables and fruits, the Dehradun Mandi Samiti is planning to set up various wholesale vegetables and fruits markets by December to make the supply easily available to local vendors of the city.
About three months back when the Niranjanpur Mandi was closed for days after many wholesalers tested positive for Covid-19, several vegetables and fruits vendors had to buy supplies from the wholesale market of Rishikesh and Haridwar due to the lack of options in Dehradun. This led to a hike in the prices of vegetables and fruits in the city. Therefore to avoid such a situation in future, the president of Mandi Samiti, Rajesh Sharma informed that the committee has marked some places in the city for setting up these wholesale markets which would be comparatively smaller than Niranjanpur Mandi.
According to him, the plans to set up the new Mandis are currently under discussion and the committee will soon announce more details regarding the same. However, he stated that the committee is considering setting up few wholesale markets by the end of this year.
Moreover, Sharma recently announced that Mandi Samiti will double the charges of its shops in order to increase the revenue of the committee but the charges are still the same. Reportedly, the charges of the shops in the Mandi have not been increased for decades.
Talking about this, Sharma said that the Mandi Samiti has sent the proposal regarding the same to its head office in Rudrapur and only after the approval, the increased charges will be implemented in the Mandi. He further added that the Samiti is also planning to make cold storages and more godowns but the detailed information will be revealed in the next few days.
Sunday, 01 November 2020 | PNS | Dehradun