MCD instructs REEL to provide list of household that fail to dump garbage in door to door service

Even after the instructions of the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) to provide the list of those who do not dispose of domestic garbage through the door to door garbage collection service, the Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL) has failed to provide the list for over two months. Despite the door to door service provided by the corporation in most of the wards, the domestic garbage is mostly found dumped on roadside areas of the city. Taking strict action against the issue, MCD asked REEL that manages the sanitation facility in 69 wards to provide the list of those households which do not dispose of garbage in these wards. The senior municipal health officer Dr R K Singh had stated that they would issue notices to such households and impose penalties under anti-littering act as soon as they would receive the list.
However, the officials in MCD are still waiting for the list for over two months. Since the corporation will start 100 percent door to door garbage collection service in all 100 wards from the next month, the officials are focusing to improve the service in the old wards too, especially due to Swachh Survekshan 2021. Talking about this, the chief municipal health officer Dr Kailash Joshi said that the corporation had asked REEL to prepare the list of all such households that do not dump garbage in the door to door collection service but the corporation has received no list so far. He said that MCD has sent a notice to the company regarding the delay and has instructed to provide the list as soon as possible.
Saturday, 23 January 2021 | PNS | Dehradun