MCD seizes two private vehicles collecting garbage from commercial establishments

Saturday, 06 May 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
Considering several bulk waste generators (BWGs) avoiding the disposal of garbage as per the rules, the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) has started taking action against operators of such private vehicles that dispose of the garbage of such commercial establishments against the rules. The corporation seized two private multi-utility vehicles in the Kedarpur ward which were collecting garbage from wedding points in the area against the rules.
The sanitation team brought vehicles along with their operators to the corporation and imposed a penalty of Rs 15,000 each, said the chief municipal health officer Dr Avinash Khanna. He said that the corporation has been receiving information about several BWGs disposing of their garbage through private vehicles which is against the law. He said that the MCD also seized two private e-rickshaws last week for collection and disposal of the garbage of commercial establishments. The MCD officials suspect that many BWGs choose to dispose of their bulk waste through private operators due to reportedly low charges.
However, they said that waste disposal through such means does not ensure whether the garbage is being disposed of as per the protocols of the Solid Waste Management rules. Khanna said that the corporation has already issued a fine of Rs nine lakh each to nine housing societies who refused to dispose of garbage via MCD’s vehicles. Khanna said that these wedding points have also been warned to dispose of their garbage as per the rules or the MCD will take legal action against them too. “We are conducting regular inspections to identify such discrepancies to take appropriate action against them to improve sanitation conditions in the city, added Khanna.