MCR distributes one lakh dustbins under anti-plastic campaign

Under the anti-plastic campaign, the Municipal Corporation of Rishikesh (MCR) has distributed a total of one lakh dustbins in the city since December. Moreover, thousands of locals including shopkeepers, vendors and businessmen have also given signed affidavit to the corporation against the single-use plastic.
According to the tax and revenue superintendent of the corporation, Ramesh Rawat, the corporation started the anti-plastic campaign since December and when the corporation commenced door to door service in a few wards, they simultaneously also started distributing blue and green dustbins to locals. “The segregation of domestic waste at a large scale becomes a big issue if the locals do not segregate garbage on their own before disposing it. Considering this, we started distributing blue and green dustbins to each family to store dry and wet garbage separately in December. This helps the corporation immensely during the proper disposal of the garbage,” said Rawat. He revealed that the corporation has distributed 50,000 blue dustbins and 50,000 green dustbins in the holy city.
Rawat further informed that the MCR carries out the disposal process of the collected garbage in association with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). According to him, the dry waste including the plastic waste is distributed into six categories and then get disposed off accordingly. Moreover, the corporation recently installed the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system in MCR premises. Rawat informed that though the system is working fine, the corporation will review the work and the contribution of SCADA system to the sanitation work in the city at the end of this month. Meanwhile, he further added that the corporation will soon start biomining process too for the disposal of legacy waste of 40 years. Rawat said that all such initiatives will definitely help Rishikesh in getting better position in Swachh Survekshan 2021.
Friday, 19 February 2021 | PNS | Dehradun