Narendranagar sub district hospital gets LaQshya national certification award

Sunday, 06 OCTOBER 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
In view of the expertise in maternal and newborn care, the sub-district hospital in Narendranagar received the Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative (LaQshya) National Certification award from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Congratulating the entire team of the sub-district hospital, the State’s mission director of the National Health Mission (NHM) Swati S Bhadauria expressed pride in the hospital’s achievement. She emphasised that receiving the LaQshya Award underscores their dedication to providing exceptional maternal and child healthcare. Narendranagar’s sub-district hospital now stands as a role model for other healthcare facilities in the region. Bhadauria pointed out that the central government bestowed this award based on the hospital’s service standards, patient rights and responsibilities, supportive services, clinical care, infection prevention and quality assurance. So far, 11 NQAS National Certification and 20 (LaQshya) National Certification have been received in the state of Uttarakhand, she added.
Further, assistant director Archana Ojha said that such awards are presented to hospitals that excel in the quality and services provided in the delivery room, with the goal of reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and enhancing healthcare services for women during childbirth. This recognition has not only elevated the hospital’s reputation but also signified a significant accomplishment in Uttarakhand’s healthcare sector, She said.
Notbaly, LaQshya scheme, specifically designed to ensure top-notch care in labour rooms and operation theatres, further aims to improve delivery and newborn care outcomes. This certification underscores the hospital’s dedication to enhancing maternal and infant health. Additionally, NHM, Uttarakhand has been promoting similar initiatives aimed at enhancing quality in all healthcare facilities across the state, with the goal of continuously enhancing the health standards and ensuring that every resident receives top-notch healthcare services.