Operators seek relaxation for gymnasiums in Covid curfew

Monday, 28 June 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
As the State Government has provided relaxation for different sectors in the successive phases of the Covid-curfew in Uttarakhand, those associated with the fitness industry expect the government to ease up certain norms in their field too. Considering that markets, restaurants and hotels have been allowed by the government where a large number of people gather on a daily basis, gymnasiums and yoga studios must be allowed to operate too. This was opined by various yoga trainers and gym instructors while adding that the government acted a bit biased towards them. “When the risk of Covid contagion was high, the government asked us to close the gymnasiums and we did so. Now, the government has allowed almost every sector to operate then we should be allowed to work too. The State Government has allowed tourists in here which can cause more contagion than the locals. Still, the government approved because it obviously wants revenue from tourism. We also need revenue to survive. We need to pay rent of our gymnasium building whether it is open or not among other several bills,” said a Raipur Road gymnasium owner, Ashish Kumar.
Ravit who runs a gymnasium near GMS Road said that rather than a complete ban, the government should issue certain guidelines regarding the operation of fitness centres because, despite the ban, many gymnasiums have been operating in various parts of Dehradun. “Many have continued to do their workouts in gymnasiums amidst the curfew. Gymnasiums, especially those located in colonies or away from main routes have been operating during the curfew despite the prohibition,” said Ravit. He added that if the government approves the operation of fitness centres with certain restrictions, people will probably take more precautions to be safe from Covid. However, Ajitesh Kunwar who runs a yoga school near Haridwar Road said that it is much easier to follow Covid norms during yoga than during workouts in gymnasiums. “People use the same pieces of equipment to exercise in a gymnasium but there is always a considerable distance among people while doing yoga. We use thermal screening and sanitiser regularly. Everyone brings their own mats and mostly stay in the same place during a session,” said Kunwar. According to him, the government should approve physical yoga classes as yoga helps people to stay fit during the current health crisis.
Meanwhile, many locals also want the government to allow the operation of fitness centres so that they can resume their fitness regime and many have even rejoined their fitness training. “My gymnasium was closed for two weeks when the first Covid curfew was announced and after that, our trainer said that those who wish to workout can come early in the morning. I, along with my two friends, go to gymnasium daily as doing exercise at home didn’t work for us,” said 26 year old Nishant Mishra. He added, “Only a few members joined initially but as of now, more than 50 per cent of gym members have already returned. We are asked to not play loud music in order to not let others know about the gymnasium’s operation during curfew. However, most of the gyms are being operated this way in the city.”