Pagal Gymkhana programme to be held on Sunday

In latest news from Uttarakhand, Lake City Welfare Club is organising Pagal Gymkhana programme on December 15 in Nainital in collaboration with Nainital Bank and Century Pulp and Paper Mill, Lalkuan. Various committees have been formed by the club for the success of the program.
In this connection, an important meeting of the club was held to discuss the details of the upcoming programme. In the meeting, the writer of the Uttarakhand State song Hemant Bisht said that the history of Pagal Gymkhana is about hundred years old, adding that this event could not be held for a long time due to some reasons.
The club secretary Deepa Pandey said that whoever would come as a mad person in the competition would be felicitated in a special way by the club.