Citizens converge to protest against forest destruction for airport expansion

Monday, 19 October 2020 | PNS | Dehradun
A large number of concerned citizens and members of various public groups demonstrated near the Dehradun airport on Sunday against the proposed felling of nearly 10,000 trees for the planned expansion of the airport. The demonstrators reiterated their opposition to the proposed felling of thousands of trees, stating that the authorities should look for an alternative. They stressed that the 215 acres area of the Shivalik elephant reserve which would be used for the planned expansion of Dehradun airport is an irreplaceable environmental asset.
The citizens stated that the area houses various species of birds apart from being used by elephants, leopards and other wildlife, considering which, the plan to axe nearly 10,000 trees for the airport expansion is not acceptable. It is pertinent to mention here that more than 18,000 people have also signed an online petition addressed to the chief minister, against the planned felling of the trees for the expansion project.