Political parties & locals protest against Helang incident

Monday, 25 July 2022 | PNS | Joshimath
Members of various political and other organisations held a protest march and gathering at Helang to protest against the recent incident wherein a woman who had collected fodder was stopped by police and CISF personnel in the area. Members of the Communist Party of India (CPI), CPI- Marxist Leninist, Uttarakhand Parivartan Party, AISA and other bodies took out a rally in Helang to register their protest against the recent incident. Women and youth from nearby villages had also gathered during the demonstration. CPI-ML leader Indresh Maikhuri said that the movement was being undertaken in support of the demand for action against the police and CISF personnel who had allegedly manhandled the woman and misbehaved with her. He said that the entire incident should be probed independently by a retired judge of the high court. Others who addressed the protest gathering stressed that the local residents should be given their rights. They said that it was not just about an individual- Mandodari Devi who was at the centre of the recent incident, but a question of the dignity of all women of Uttarakhand.