Priya Rawat becomes one-day president of APMC

A post-graduate student Priya Rawat took charge of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) of Dehradun as it’s a day long President on Wednesday.
Rawat informed that she is pursuing post graduation in Agronomy and conducts experiments at home to increase the productivity of agricultural products. As a one-day president of the committee, Rawat arrived in APMC office in a government vehicle and reviewed the ongoing programmes of the committee. The secretary of the committee, Vijay Thapliyal informed that Rawat also inspected the Niranjanpur Mandi and interacted with some local farmers and vendors. Meanwhile, talking about this initiative, the president of the committee, Rajesh Sharma stated that he took this decision of making a female student a day long President of the committee under Beti Bachao Beti Padao campaign. According to him, the recent initiative of the State Government of making Shristi Goswami a one-day CM on National Girl Child Day inspired him to take this initiative to empower the girl child and women in Uttarakhand.
Thursday, 04 February 2021 | PNS | Dehradun