Promotion of 6 PCS officers to IAS on the cards

Friday, 11 August 2023 | Gajendra Singh Negi | DEHRADUN
The State is facing a shortage of IAS officers
The burden on the shoulders of the officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in Uttarakhand will be relieved to some extent with the promotion of six officers of Provincial Civil Service (PCS) to the cadre of IAS in the State. The State administration is facing the problem of shortage of IAS officers as 21 out of sanctioned 126 posts are lying vacant at present.
The department of personnel and vigilance has initiated the process of promoting six PCS officers to the cadre of IAS. These officers are Ravneet Cheema, Prashant Arya, Vinod Giri Goswami, Ashish Bhatgain, Prakash Chandra and Dipti Singh. All these officers belong to the 2005 batch of PCS. The department of personnel initiated the process of promotion of these officers after the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the mandatory Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC). After promotion all these six officers will be allotted 2017-2018 batch of IAS.
After the DPC done by the UPSC, the department of personnel has demanded option letters from the above mentioned six PCS officers in which they will have to give their consent for change in their cadre. Apart from this they will also have to submit the affidavit of single marriage and an end of lien with the PCS.
On receipt of all these documents, the department of personnel will send the file of promotion to the Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT), Government of India for further perusal. Based on the recommendation of the State government, the DOPT will promote these officers to IAS cadre of the State. The entry of the six officers in IAS cadre will increase the number of officers to 111. In August last year, the State administration had promoted 16 PCS officers to the rank of IAS.