New research puts normal Body temp at 98 degree Fahrenheit

Tuesday, 29 June 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
AIIMS Rishikesh team monitored temp of 144 individuals
A research conducted by the experts of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Rishikesh has claimed that the normal body temperature is 98 degree Fahrenheit (F) and not 98.6 degrees F which is generally accepted worldwide.
The research has been published in a preprint journal for review and the researchers claim that it will be published later in the main journal for public use.
The Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Rishikesh, Dr P K Panda and the members of his research team Dr Nitin, Dr Yogesh and Dr Ajit conducted a study on the subject.
Dr Panda said that a total of 144 participants were included in the research. “The temperature of all these participants was recorded at least three times each day for the whole year. In this way 23,851 readings were recorded in this entire research,’’ he said.
Dr Panda said that on the basis of this research, it can be said that during the last 150 years, the average body temperature of a person seems to be decreasing continuously.
Researcher Dr Nitin said that all the 144 people involved in the research were given digital thermometers to measure the temperature. “Self-monitoring of oral temperature with a thermometer data was recorded in the thermometry diary. In view of the need for detailed study, in this research data was collected in three phases on general people, people with fever and people with post-fever condition. It was found that only when the temperature of the mouth in the body is more than 99.1 degrees, it can be considered in the definition of fever,”he said.
In the year 1886, scientist Wunderlich had said that the average temperature of the human body is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Since then an increase in body temperature beyond this is considered a fever by doctors.