Rs 15 crore drinking water scheme stalled due to Peyjal Nigam negligence

Sunday, 03 July 2022 | PNS | Joshimath
Less than 2 % of project slated for completion in 2021 done so far
Information received under the Right To Information has revealed that only 1.68 per cent work has been done on a drinking water scheme which was slated to be completed in 2021. In order to resolve the drinking water shortage being faced in Joshimath city, the NTPC had allocated work on a drinking water scheme to the Peyjal Nigam in 2019-20. Out of the total project cost of Rs 1581.36 lakh, the NTPC had also released Rs 435 lakh to the corporation’s Gopeshwar office.
The work on this project was slated to be completed on December 4, 2021. However, due to departmental negligence, this project is not even half complete more than half a year after the due date of the completion of the project. The Joshimath municipality ward member from Ravigram, Sameer Dimri sought information from the Peyjal Nigam Gopeshwar office regarding the project. It was then revealed that the work done in this project so far is limited to that focused on the source of the water.
The work done so far amounts to about 1.68 per cent of the total work. The project work which was slated to be completed in the previous year has not progressed so far beyond the source of water.
According to Dimri, the work which was to be completed last year is not even visible on the ground so far. It is pertinent to mention here that Joshimath is an important city on the route to Badrinath and receives a considerable footfall of both pilgrims and tourists every year.