RTO conducts special awareness drive

Saturday, 26 June 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
In view of increasing road accidents in Dehradun, the regional transport office (RTO) conducted a special drive in Rajpur on Friday. As per the officials, Rajpur is among the major accident-prone areas in the city due to which the RTO conducted a special awareness drive to focus on road safety offences.
The assistant regional transport officer (ARTO), Rashmi Pant informed that the enforcement team of RTO conducted this special drive to focus on road safety violation by people. She said that the enforcement team issued a total of 64 challans for various offences during the drive that mainly included riding without helmets, issues with driving license (DL) and Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate.
The team fined 23 people with no valid DL, seven without PUC certificate and 23 people for not wearing helmets besides penalising 33 pillion riders who were without helmets too, informed Pant. Besides this, the enforcement team has also fined about 300 people in various parts of the district under its intensive checking campaign that started on June 22 under the supervision of the regional transport officer (enforcement) Sandeep Saini.
These drives are meant to spread awareness among locals regarding traffic rules besides intensifying the enforcement of these rules in the district in order to avoid road maximum accidents, especially in the marked accident prone areas, stated Saini.