Scientists & academicians discuss women in science & technology

Thursday, 31 March 2022 | PNS | Dehradun
An online workshop was organised on the theme of ‘Women in S&T and S&T for Women’ by Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST). This programme was held as part of Vigyan Utsav, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). Advisor, SEED and State S&T Programme (SSTP), Debapriya Dutta talked about the importance of women in science and technology and gave information about various programmes organised by DST to promote women researchers and scientists. UCOST former scientific officer Kirti Joshi talked on assessing the participation of women in science and technology. She gave detailed data on the percentage of women in higher education, women workforce in the field of science and technology, and talked about related issues and invisible barriers faced by women. She said that professional recruitment in the science discipline should be increased and national institutes should promote women’s participation in science and technology. Professor Ranjana Pathania, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Roorkee gave a detailed presentation on women scientists in research and development. She talked about her journey in science and technology, her research findings on antibiotics and talked about comparative study of life before and after the use of antibiotics. She stressed on the need for focus on research for alternatives to antibiotics in agriculture, poultry, livestock and fisheries sector. Dr Anupama Bahadur from AIIMS, Rishikesh gave a presentation on women scientists in health sector- challenges and achievements. She also gave a presentation on cervical cancer, its causes and how it can be prevented and cure. Professor Veena Pandey from Department of Biotechnology, Kumaon University talked on achievements in the academic sector- by State’s women scientists.
UCOST director general Rajendra Dobhal talked about the achievements of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. He congratulated all the women on doing excellent work in their respective fields of science and technology.