Shram Shakti, Transport Bhavan to give way for Central Vista project

MPs’ chambers to come up there
The Shram Shakti Bhavan and Transport Bhavan in Lutyens’ Delhi will be the first two buildings to be razed to pave the way for the construction of chambers of Members of Parliament there as part of Central Vista redevelopment project.
An official from HCP Design, Planning and Management Pvt Ltd, which has prepared the masterplan of the ambitious project, said that offices for MPs will come up where Shram Shakti Bhavan and Transport Bhavan are currently located on Rafi Marg and Sansad Marg respectively.
The Government has identified around four locations — in Gole Market, KG Marg, near Africa Avenue and near Talkatora Stadium — in Central Delhi for the temporary shifting of offices of various ministries.
The foundation stone for the New Parliament was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 10. The new building will have 888 seats for members of the Lok Sabha, 384 for those of the Rajya Sabha. For joint meetings, the Lok Sabha Hall on the ground floor shall be able to house 1,272 members. The National Emblem will crown the new Parliament building.
According to the plan, a tunnel would be constructed to connect the building with chambers of MPs in the Parliament complex. “The new Parliament will have six committee rooms to conduct business,” the HCP official said. Sources said the demolition of buildings will be carried out in phases to ensure smooth functioning of ministry offices.
To construct Common Central Secretariat for Ministry offices, several buildings like Shastri Bhawan, Udyog Bhawan, Nirman Bhawan and Krishi Bhawan among others are likely to be demolished.
The project of Central Vista — the nation’s power corridor — envisages a new triangular parliament building, a common central secretariat and revamping of the 3-km-long Rajpath, from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate.
Sunday, 27 December 2020 | PNS | New Delhi