Some groups to start agitation against UCC

Various social organisations and political bodies have demanded that the government should abolish the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) implemented in Uttarakhand on January 27. In a meeting held in Dehradun on Saturday, the representatives of these organisations termed the UCC as anti-women and against the constitution. The speakers in the programme said that protest meetings and signature campaigns will be organised from April 11 to 14 in all parts of the State.
They pointed out that under article 44 of the constitution, the UCC should be implemented in the entire country and the State government has no right in this regard.
Some of the speakers termed UCC as infringement on the privacy of the individual and against the spirit of the Supreme Court judgment in Putta Swami versus government of India case which mandates use of Aadhaar only for being beneficiary of the government schemes. However, the Aadhaar and mobile number linked with it have been made mandatory in registration of marriage, divorce and live- in relationships.
The speakers included Kamla Pant of Uttarakhand Mahila Manch, Muneesh Kumar from Samajwadi Lok Manch, national secretary of Samajwadi Party SN Sachan, Shankar Gopal of Chetna Andolan, former president of Dehradun bar council Razia Baig and others.