Some relief in sight from Covid pandemic in U’khand

Monday, 31 May 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
Lowest new cases, positivity rate and active patients of the disease in last one and half months
In a clear indication that contagion of Covid-19 is on a downhill path in Uttarakhand, the lowest number of new cases of the disease in the last one and half month were reported in the week ending May 29. In the week which is the 63rd week ever since the first patient of the disease was detected in Uttarakhand on March 15 last year, a total of 16643 cases were reported. The data kept by the Social Development for Communities (SDC) foundation shows that 44856 and 27230 cases were reported in the 61st and 62nd weeks respectively. The highest weekly cases were reported in week number 60th (May 2 -8) when 4030481 cases were reported.
The week ending May 29 also had the lowest positivity rate (6.44 %) and least number of active cases ( 31110) in the last six weeks. The 63rd week also reported the lowest number of deaths (626) in the last five weeks and highest tests (2,58601) in the last four weeks. In the week ending May 29, the health department reported 42,523 recoveries while in the previous week 62nd more than 47000 recoveries were reported.
The founder of SDC Foundation Anoop Nautiyal said that though things are improving, the authorities should continue to focus on the strategy of more testing, isolation, containment and vaccination.